
By Franco - 10/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was sent to an elementary school for safety day. One of the dads was asking about my job, when I told him about the long hours and high stress involved. He turned to his son and said, "Now see why you stay in school?" I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 045
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I always wanted to be a Paramedic when I was a kid. I think you guys do great work. **** this ignorant guy.

balanceMMX 0

not really a FML... it just wasn't explained enough for the dad to know what you were talking about. we're all thankful for your hard work as a paramedic, though- thank you


tash14 1

25- I don't think he is equating his bachelors degree with success...I think it was more of a response to the staying in school aspect. He obviously DID stay in school if he earned his degree.

Almost everyone working in the retail store I work at is either in college or graduated from college. They're there because A) they want part-time jobs so they can be home to raise their kids or to support volunteer work or a job they love but pays even less, B) they genuinely like helping people find nice things, or C) they couldn't get any better jobs. I find that C is more common among the management--most of the others fall under A. Also, a lot of Biology majors I know are planning on taking EMT-training programs in case they can't get into med school right out of college, because they just want to work in medicine. Doesn't make them any less smarter or less capable.

I agree with 17-sounds like he was trying to motivate his son

freddie_fml 0

This doesn't even make sense. Is this father trying to imply that well-educated people never have high stress jobs requiring long hours? What a bozo.

Atleast you have a job that matters.

thatoneguy1812 0

Dude, if he has a sudden heart attack from your epic awesomeness, refuse to do CPR.

Paramedic is a highly prestigious job, ignore that guys shit.

you should have told him to **** off i'm a paramedic i did my time at school bitch

0 3

??? Does he think that by staying in school your life will be easy? School is hard and so are the jobs it prepares you for.

SSC_fml 0

That's pretty ridiculous, I can't believe people can be so ignorant and assuming. Sorry you had to listen to that D: