
By Franco - 10/04/2009 14:07 - United States

Today, I was sent to an elementary school for safety day. One of the dads was asking about my job, when I told him about the long hours and high stress involved. He turned to his son and said, "Now see why you stay in school?" I'm a paramedic. With a bachelor's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 045
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I always wanted to be a Paramedic when I was a kid. I think you guys do great work. **** this ignorant guy.

balanceMMX 0

not really a FML... it just wasn't explained enough for the dad to know what you were talking about. we're all thankful for your hard work as a paramedic, though- thank you


Cheer up! clicking "I agree, your life is f***ed" is wrong, your life is not F*****. You do a great work

Sounds more like he meant to inform his kid that if you stay in school, you'll be able to handle a high stress, demanding job like yours...

What an IDIOT that kid's dad was. Some of the jobs with the most demanding hours and high stress require way more education than the average job (emergency room doctors, anyone??!)

tokyooo123 0

lol what an idiot..FHL for being so stupid

Well that's where I want to go in life is a Paramedic so looks like I have a lot more ignorance to deal with than expected. Oh well. That's not changing my mind. Good for you on the life choice, forget the ignorant dad.

Any medical field is high stress, long hours. I don't think people with low education (ie High School/GED) fully understands that concept. The higher up you go, the higher the level of responsibilities and stress. In your case, you're responsible for lives and thus increased level of stress.

noodlebug_22 0

You foolish moron, the man was trying to compliment you and teach his son that in order to have a respecting job like yourself, one would need to stay in school. Don't blame your stupidity upon others.

YDI. If you're so proud of your job then why would you complain about it?

Wittlestalker 0

I have so much respect for Paramedics. As the kid who is always sick, passing out, and getting hurt I have met a ton of awesome paramedics. FHL for disrespecting a paramedic. I hope that the people saving his sorry life one day takes their time. XD