Tony Soprano?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - York

Today, I asked my best friend if he would do me the honour of becoming my son's godfather. He replied, "Um, that's just rude. You know I'm an atheist." Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 661
You deserved it 8 712

Top comments

Technically he's right. A god parents "duty" is the religious guidance of the child should anything happen to the parents.

I'm sure Harry Potter received a lot of religious guidance from his godfather.


Too bad he didn't yell "you ain't got no pancake mix!" it's how you deal with people of faith YouTube it.

I didn't particularly agree with your previous comment but it did make logical sense so I assumed you were of at least adequate intelligence and that we just had different opinions. However, this post reveals that actually, you are just a moron.

He obviously doesn't know what a godfather is.

So today my best friend asked me to be his kid's godfather. I really didn't want to but I didn't know how to say it. I panicked and said I was an atheist before thinking to get out of it. FML

I not having any religion hsve appointed a guardian to my children not a god parent. When u sign school/sports papers it says 'parent/guardian signature' this is because a god parent (religious) is not always the guardian. My sisters is the guardian of her best friends daughter but the girls god parents are her grandparents...

He's just as bad as the moronic atheists who go on long-winded rants whenever they hear a complete stranger say "Oh my god" or "godsend" or some other colloquial phrase that has pretty much lost religious meaning.

So instead of using textbooks answers, can't we just say that godparents mean something different for everyone? I have godparents, but they didn't name me or guide me in religion. It's just that if my parents died they would help us and be like our "plan B parents".

cvoyer 4

He's right. The godparents of children are supposed to take up the religious responsibilities of a child of the child's parents pass away. It gets put in a record. At least I know this for catholics.

That may be true for some people, but for many people it just means that the person will be a secondary parental figure in the child's life. It's pretty much the equivalent of calling a good friend of your parents "Aunt" or "Uncle." They're not family, but they're like family.