Tony Soprano?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - York

Today, I asked my best friend if he would do me the honour of becoming my son's godfather. He replied, "Um, that's just rude. You know I'm an atheist." Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 661
You deserved it 8 712

Top comments

Technically he's right. A god parents "duty" is the religious guidance of the child should anything happen to the parents.

I'm sure Harry Potter received a lot of religious guidance from his godfather.


dragoongirl90 34

He doesn't deserve to be your kid's godfather. What a douche.

The friend’s answer is the rudest. Nobody asked him to become religious. It was more a sign of seeing him as such a good person that he could be a role model for a child. I’ve seen worst compliment! And f you’re an atheist and can’t accept your friend’s faith (and vice versa) you are a real jerk.

smartal 3

I don’t foresee them staying as a friend long.