Tony Soprano?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - York

Today, I asked my best friend if he would do me the honour of becoming my son's godfather. He replied, "Um, that's just rude. You know I'm an atheist." Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 661
You deserved it 8 712

Top comments

Technically he's right. A god parents "duty" is the religious guidance of the child should anything happen to the parents.

I'm sure Harry Potter received a lot of religious guidance from his godfather.


b_rad_fml 4

Yup, he sounds like a prime candidate for the privileged title.

Christina_N 2

Lol the funniest part is that you are completely wrong. GODfather; that isn't slang or fancy lingo.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : What's "huh" about it? You're asking him to partake in a religious ceremony that he doesnt believe in. Though, he could have been a little nicer about it and accepted the honor for your son.

I'm a proud atheist and even I know his response is retarded

yomamadamacoma 0

I thought it said grandfather, hehe lol

better than a satanist or wiccan...right?

LunaBee3105 3

OP could have been clearer about what they meant but at the same time i would also think that a "best friend" wouldnt automatically assume that OP was referring to a religious setup if the friend KNEW that OP knew that he was an atheist. I mean i know plenty of atheist godparents and plenty religious godparents so it can be either way no matter how the word originally started. But anyway i hope the matter works itself out :)

desertrose415 8

Somehow I misread this as "grandfather".. I was really confused there for a second.

89DaniMarie 2

Well, Godparents are normally there when the child is baptized and play a huge role in the child's religious development as well as being responsible for said child if the parents die... You may consider eliminating that term if that isn't the meaning you intended on implying

He's right. You going "huh" just shows your ignorance.