Tony Soprano?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - York

Today, I asked my best friend if he would do me the honour of becoming my son's godfather. He replied, "Um, that's just rude. You know I'm an atheist." Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 661
You deserved it 8 712

Top comments

Technically he's right. A god parents "duty" is the religious guidance of the child should anything happen to the parents.

I'm sure Harry Potter received a lot of religious guidance from his godfather.


i'm an atheist and i would be honored to be the godmother of a friends child

People like him give people like me a bad name.

of course since we are atheist we get thumbs down

OP, what? Where I live, being a godparent actually means providing physical help during the sacrament of christening and spiritual help to raise the child in Jesus Christ. It is an honour for religious people, but if somebody asked me - a declared atheist - to be a person who's supposed to help the kid find Jesus, I'd think he's mocking me.

129 - I concur. My now sister-in-law and brother-in-law had to ask someone of their faith to be godparents to their son otherwise the minister wouldn't perform the baptism. Unless the minister is extremely relaxed about who can be godparents, you'll find in the majority of cases that you are required to be of faith to be allowed that honour.

Why would you want an atheist to be your kid's Godparent? Key word - God!

Yeah because cinderellas fairy godmother was teaching her so much things about god.... Do people live under a ******* rock or are just that damn brain dead to put two and two together?

Atheist or not, at least you believe him to be a worthy part of your child's life. He could've been nicer not made it about him.

I'd consider it rude (though I'd probably politely decline instead of calling them out on it) if someone asked me to be the god father of their child. In Catholicism, the godparents are responsible for the religious upbringing of the child should the parents not raise them in accordance with Catholic teachings. That's why at least one of the god parents must be Catholic. I'm a minister in a different religion. If charged with raising a child religiously I would hardly be qualified to raise them Catholic.

...well, did you or did you not know? If you knew, then yes you are rude or stupid for asking that. If you didn't, he's rude for not having told you.

Comment number 3 is correct, perhaps you should explain that you did not mean the literal term, but more that he will be an important male figure in your child's life and should something ever happen, you want him to be the one to continue raising the child.

Being a godfather goes against an atheist's religion.