Creeped out

By AITA - 09/05/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, my sister will be giving birth to my niece any day now. She repeatedly insists on showing me her heavily pregnant belly. I don't know how to tell her that I find pregnancy bellies repulsive without sounding like a dick. I don't even know why this is. I just don't like them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 451
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless the child is yours, a pregnant belly is just not that exciting for most people. Obviously it’s a different story for your sister and she wants you to be as excited as she is about her coming child… OP, just humor sister but don’t overplay it. While it’s nice having a niece or nephew, it will never be as exciting to you as to the parents. Again you just try to act interested but don’t overplay it. The day will come when you will be sharing something important with your sister and you’d want her to act interested.

d j mom 5

just be nice and suck it up for a bit longer. what ever you do, don't upset a pregnant woman. especially your sister. when she let's you hold the baby you'll be happy you held strong.


d j mom 5

just be nice and suck it up for a bit longer. what ever you do, don't upset a pregnant woman. especially your sister. when she let's you hold the baby you'll be happy you held strong.

Unless the child is yours, a pregnant belly is just not that exciting for most people. Obviously it’s a different story for your sister and she wants you to be as excited as she is about her coming child… OP, just humor sister but don’t overplay it. While it’s nice having a niece or nephew, it will never be as exciting to you as to the parents. Again you just try to act interested but don’t overplay it. The day will come when you will be sharing something important with your sister and you’d want her to act interested.