By whywouldyoudothat - 07/10/2014 01:14 - United States - Kingman

Today, while on vacation, my parents called to inform me that my best friend had died in a car accident. Why? To trick me into tearfully confessing my love for him. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 443
You deserved it 4 843

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Top comments

What in the actual **** -_-, fyl OP, it is never ok to fake a death.


150493x 29

I'm stunned. Fair enough parents want to feel that their son/daughter can talk to them about these kind of things but this is absolutely awful. Absolutely wrong way to go about it.

What the ****..There are MANY nicer ways to do this. Faking a death isn't at all funny, because (and let's hope this doesn't happen) If he does, you wouldn't believe it.

What kinda person would do that, **** that

On top of making a prank out of a loved one dying they ruined your vacation!!

Mc2013 18

Seems like your parents have some growing up to do.

Rocket___Candy 24

Wow that's awful, hopefully they never do anything like that again.

thatguy240 27

Uhh... no he didn't Sherlock, otherwise the FML would have been that her secret love died.

Hey, at least your best friend didn't actually die. Your parents may suck, but I think that would suck worse.

Bide your time with this and have someone call your parents in the future saying you've been in an accident. Someone who can sound official. "Is this Mrs Smith? It is, okay... There's been a road traffic collision and we believe the young woman involved is your daughter. Your daughter will be taken to *insert local hospital*." Make it sound official and hopefully they'll panic and shit, then when they find out there's nothing wrong with you ask them how they like it.