By whywouldyoudothat - 07/10/2014 01:14 - United States - Kingman

Today, while on vacation, my parents called to inform me that my best friend had died in a car accident. Why? To trick me into tearfully confessing my love for him. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 443
You deserved it 4 843

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Top comments

What in the actual **** -_-, fyl OP, it is never ok to fake a death.


That is just cruel and nasty. Your parents need a good snack on the side of their heads. Hope you are ok

@OP Your parents are complete @sses for using the thought of anyone you'd know passing away as a joke! Their conscience would take a blow if fate were to encounter that person and knock 'em 6 feet below.

I hate it when people put fake deaths over others to see what would happen, its just bad juju

That is seriously disturbing. What. The. Hell. My boyfriend of 3 years was just killed in a car accident last monday...I am still so devastated. That is not okay to do to someone! What kind of sick people are they?!

countryb_cth 38

@88 I am soo sorry for your loss, I truly hope you are doing ok, my condolences with you and his family. @OP I had something similar happen to me. My ex called me pretending to be his brother saying my ex had killed himself. When I was on the floor bawling I heard the asshole laughing in the back ground. He also did this twice over text. I just cannot understand what kind of sick **** would find this humorous. I had this "prank" happen from some dumb teenaged boy but the fact you had this done by your own parents, the people you are born to trust. I just can't understand why they thought this was a good idea to get information out of you. In my opinion it might be a good idea if you distance yourself from them for a bit (unless of course you live at home. I mean you could ignore them, it would be difficult but you could). Like don't answer phone calls, no visits for a bit, no texting ect. Mainly to give you some time to cool off and hopefully for them to realize what they have done and how it betrayed your trust for them completely. I just hope things work out ok for you in the end --sorry for my long rant it's just I have had something similar happen and this just really pissed me off.

@119 thank you. It's been very hard to cope. Life will never be the same..Somedays I just feel so defeated and I don't want to carry on but I do my best and try. I'm sorry to hear that has happened to you. I just don't comprehend how someone could think a cruel joke like that could possibly be funny. It makes me so angry...

I'm sorry, but your parents sound like terrible people.

Wow! Congrats on the not so caring parents. That's poor form no matter who they are to you. What a couple of douches.

Asshole parents... my faith in humanity is now near the point of no existence.