By whywouldyoudothat - 07/10/2014 01:14 - United States - Kingman

Today, while on vacation, my parents called to inform me that my best friend had died in a car accident. Why? To trick me into tearfully confessing my love for him. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 443
You deserved it 4 843

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Top comments

What in the actual **** -_-, fyl OP, it is never ok to fake a death.


ugh if they thought you lived him, why would they say that knowing you might cry? and certainly to their own kid! I'm sorry that happened OP ?

their method was horrible, but their point was valid.

Uh, not it wasn't. Pretending someone died because they think their kid loves them? There are much better ways to go about it and besides, it's really none of their business.

This hit me so wrong. Especially because my best friend was killed in Augest.

anormalperson 25

Ok, now that just went too far...

Joking about somebody dying isn't even funny