By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 21:13 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, while on a tour bus, our guide told us that "Jimi Hendrix was like, uh, the Miley Cyrus of the '60s." I'm actually a committed pacifist, but I was already halfway out of my seat to choke the pimply-faced twat out before I managed to restrain myself. Now I'm scared of myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 441
You deserved it 6 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

I'm sure I'm going to be attacked by Miley fans, but Jimi and Miley aren't even in the same category!!! Maybe you shouldn't have restrained yourself!!!

I don't see Jimmy Hendrix twerking, or licking hammers naked.


How dare he disgrace the good, no great name of mr Hendrix!

Don't blame you OP. Never disgrace The Hendrix

cassie611 9

the 2 could NEVER be comparable. Jimi is a legend, Miley is a basic pop artist.

Should have done it, being a pacifist is fine but there are limits.

You most defiantly should NOT have restrained yourself.

Miley Cyrus doesn't come close to Jimi Hendrix. Miley Cyrus is not talented and Jimi Hendrix doesn't make out with a hammer while crying and swinging, naked from a wrecking ball.