By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 21:13 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, while on a tour bus, our guide told us that "Jimi Hendrix was like, uh, the Miley Cyrus of the '60s." I'm actually a committed pacifist, but I was already halfway out of my seat to choke the pimply-faced twat out before I managed to restrain myself. Now I'm scared of myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 441
You deserved it 6 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

I'm sure I'm going to be attacked by Miley fans, but Jimi and Miley aren't even in the same category!!! Maybe you shouldn't have restrained yourself!!!

I don't see Jimmy Hendrix twerking, or licking hammers naked.


Even if you did, you would have done the right thing!

I feel like the sixties have been disgraced greatly. Don't worry OP, I would have strangled him too.

so Jimi Hendrix was a child star gone bad who used Molly, wore nothing in his music videos, a hypocrite, wore crop tops and thigh high gogo boots, posed with a Arizona like it was a dick, got dumped by a Liam Hemsworth-type person... I could go on. but I forgot the most important: publicly '******'a foam finger

don't knock publicly ******* a foam finger until you've tried it

There is no comparison! That is like comparing Justin Beiber to David Bowie! You should have let that twat know that he needs his brain checked out.

stacey2570 21

Miley ain't got shit on Mr. Jimi Hendrix !

I did not realise he was attractive... then again, I prefer girls thanks.

MzZombicidal 36

ahhh hell no! Go back and beat some arse... If you dont, I will. >=)

Miley and Jimi in the same sentence should never be said...that's like worse than a grammatical error

inowhtthefoxsays 20

Elvis "twerked" way more than Jimi Hendrix lol