By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 21:13 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, while on a tour bus, our guide told us that "Jimi Hendrix was like, uh, the Miley Cyrus of the '60s." I'm actually a committed pacifist, but I was already halfway out of my seat to choke the pimply-faced twat out before I managed to restrain myself. Now I'm scared of myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 441
You deserved it 6 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

I'm sure I'm going to be attacked by Miley fans, but Jimi and Miley aren't even in the same category!!! Maybe you shouldn't have restrained yourself!!!

I don't see Jimmy Hendrix twerking, or licking hammers naked.


SauceySarah 30

No worries, I'd feel the exact same way. Jimi and Miley are on two completely different spectrums. Miley Cyrus isn't even close to Jimi Hendrix's standards.

We need a name and location from you. Justice must be dealt.

Why did you have to refer to him by pimply-face? You think he controls it? Get a grip.

MzZombicidal 36

No, you didn't. I don't see how this made it onto the site itself, but this is the biggest load of bull ever. Either you aren't a pacifist, or you weren't out of your seat, quit making shit up.

I'm surprised you were the only one ready to kill him. Did the other people on the bus not hear him or something?

It's an FML for your tour guide that he has apparently no real grasp on music and time comparisons

derpina72 23

Deep breaths man, deep breaths.

That comparison is incredibly wrong. I'm not sure who I'd have compared Jimi Hendrix to now (I don't think there's anyone), and I don't know if there's anyone in the past I'd have compared Miley Cyrus to. However, you need to get a grip. The tour guide's action doesn't correlate to your violent and angry reaction.

you should of I can assure you anyone who hates Miley and loves Jimi would send cash for lawyers

Anybody who compared Jimi Hendrix to Miley Cyrus is uncontrollably stupid.