By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 21:13 - Canada - Sudbury

Today, while on a tour bus, our guide told us that "Jimi Hendrix was like, uh, the Miley Cyrus of the '60s." I'm actually a committed pacifist, but I was already halfway out of my seat to choke the pimply-faced twat out before I managed to restrain myself. Now I'm scared of myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 441
You deserved it 6 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

I'm sure I'm going to be attacked by Miley fans, but Jimi and Miley aren't even in the same category!!! Maybe you shouldn't have restrained yourself!!!

I don't see Jimmy Hendrix twerking, or licking hammers naked.


How was that even a comparison? Where'd he get that from?

Jimi Hendrix is in a whole other league then Miley! It's like he's in the NFL and she's in high school football.

Make that peewee as in elementary school football.

PirateLuigi 2

Horrible comparison, but if you feel the need to physically injure someone over something like that you need to chill out.

Good for you for showing restraint! I'm not sure I would have in that position, haha. Hopefully he's a teenager that soon grows to know better..

Yea, that makes me upset in a number of different ways.

If I had been there you would have to hold me back as well! Unfortunately you really cant slap the ignorance out of anybody.

Jimi was/ is way better than Miley. Gawd he could have chose a better comparison. Miley is weird and just trying to follow in her dad's footsteps. Jimi was a magnificent pioneer.

Don't worry OP: there are many here among us who feel the tour guide is but a joke.