By Embarrassed - 12/12/2011 13:45 - Germany

Today, while having dinner with my boyfriend's family, his mom told me that it looks like I've gained quite some weight. When my boyfriend told her that this was a rude thing to say, she said it wasn't rude, just the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 201
You deserved it 6 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

She doesn't like you. At least your boyfriend stood up for you?

Olovio 5

This is actually a nice FML. I can't remember the last time I saw an FML where the boyfriend stood up for the girlfriend.


It's true.. It's not rude, it's the truth...

33- all of those "..." make me feel like I'm waiting in suspense for something.

mizunwantedxx 0

at least your dude stood up for you

Nobody likes the truth but people hate when u lie to them.

That sucks, on many levels but one good thing came out of it - your boyfriend has your back and that's a good thing to know. I was thinking of possible responses you could have used to shock the shit out of his mother and came up with a few, such as: "Yes, I have put on some weight...." A:"But not from your shitty cooking" B: "It's called baby weight. Your son and I have something to tell you" C:"I felt if I could pack on another 150 or so pounds, I could look like you!" D:"and I've been depressed and suicidial over it, thank you for pointing it out" E:"Your son said he likes more cushion when he's pushin." F:"who knew a mouthful of **** could have so many calories"

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

The last one made me laugh lol to see the moms expression after hearing that one-at the dinner table!

Truth hurts? Welcome to real world fat ass.

goldered 2

Logically she's helping you out by informing you that you lost weight so that you can do something about it but you seem to get angry. You're being irrational.

At least you have a boyfriend that's willing to stand up for you

No, he is not on acid. OP is from Germany, which is why he said that. Sheesh.