By Embarrassed - 12/12/2011 13:45 - Germany

Today, while having dinner with my boyfriend's family, his mom told me that it looks like I've gained quite some weight. When my boyfriend told her that this was a rude thing to say, she said it wasn't rude, just the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 205
You deserved it 6 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

She doesn't like you. At least your boyfriend stood up for you?

Olovio 5

This is actually a nice FML. I can't remember the last time I saw an FML where the boyfriend stood up for the girlfriend.


She was probably trying to figure out if you were pregnant.

you have an AWESOME boyfriend who stuck up for you, so just be happy and ignore that bitch (:

Here's a mind-blowing epiphany for his mom. There is this thing called common courteousy. She should probably study it, I think she could use a few lessons.

Nikelopez 11

When he talks against his mother, to back his girlfriend up. He's a keeper.

You should have said you were pregnant. Then after they started freaking out been like "yeah, just kidding, but I bet you're more comfortable with the fact that I'm just gaining weight now"

It can be a rude thing to say in front of family. It's a personal issue, which should be spoken about in a personal way! Not at the dinner table. Your boyfriend was right. Remember that doesn't give you the right to be mean like her. I would just brush it off. Some people have no class.

EmperorHilo 11

Well put. I agree with you completely here.

xStaciexLynnx 15

She said she gained weight, not that she was ugly and needed to turn anorexic! Plus it's not really corporate America you're talking about... More like fashion America.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Wow, she sounds like my stepdad. Some people don't know the difference between being truthful and being subtle.