By Sorry - 03/03/2010 16:22 - Canada

Today, trying to take initiative, I wore nothing but an apron and led my husband to the kitchen by his knob to have some fun. I tripped on the floor and used his knob to keep balance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 832
You deserved it 7 824

Same thing different taste


KurouTenshi 0

this sounds like a blooper from some sexy 1980's Porno movie. either way: "Today, my wife decided we needed to have sex in the kitchen, on the way there, her clumsy ass tripped over nothing and damn near ripped my dick off in the process. FML" just saying.

I hope the dude got one hell of a bj after that. poor guy.

KurouTenshi 0

that's only if it fills in the stretch LOL

JustMyLuck_huh 0

O__O nice... why would y… nevermind

mrmystery96 0

that sounds like lark on my go kart...