By Say Cheese - 22/08/2011 17:19 - United States

Today, this girl who has been stalking me for almost 7 months sent me a 12 page text comparing her love for me with her passion for cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 347
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments


blargheria 0
TalkinSmack 6

YDI! If you've let some dumb broad "stalk" you and get away with it for 7 months. Grow some balls and call the cops, or just succumb to the stalker. She'll probably do anything u ask. Lol

bawlerr75 9
bawlerr75 9

YAHHH!!! I'd totally stalk sum one n tell them i love them by comparing them with my passion of cheese ..what's so wrong with that?!??! I'm JP for any one who doesn't get my sarcasm...;)

Desi_Dion 8

Im not sure someone can love a person as much as they love cheese...

well, at least you've already got some cheese to go with your whine...

SorrowFull 8
BrianAlarcon 0