By Anonymous - 11/11/2014 15:37 - United States

Today, my wife slapped me for touching her boobs during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 348
You deserved it 6 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe her boobs are sore right now? If this is the first time she's done it, ask her about it.


Maybe she thinks her breast are only for babies

This has happened to my husband and myself OP. I would suggest asking her why she did this. I get really painful breasts and I tell my husband about it if he's grabbing at them. The pain was pretty bad one night we were having sex, and my husband grabbed them really hard (after I had told him to please be careful but he'd forgotten with having sex) and I slapped him hard since the pain spread out throughout my chest and side. I apologized right after it happened and reiterated the whole in pain speech. Just ask OP and see why she did that.

OP, I have to ask if there's some backstory to this. My ex used to think my breasts were fair game for touching any time I took my shirt off, even though I told him, repeatedly, that I hated having them touched. He didn't get the hint until I slapped him. I'm not saying this is necessarily the right thing to do, but if your wife is also at the end of her rope, she may have felt she'd run out of ways to communicate her discomfort to you.

you seriously replied to your own comment?

ajs1987 15

So the fact that you're inside of her, touching her in a way that is way more risque than a simple boob grope, is ok as long as you don't touch the funbags? Your wife is weird.

Dro23 10

If she's pregnant then there's a reason why she did it boobs are really really ******* sensitive during pregnancy.

I get mad when my bf does that. But im pregnant so its really uncomfortable at the moment

There has to be more to this story. Maybe her breasts were especially sensitive that day and you were being too rough with them?