By rebekah - 03/04/2009 19:39 - United States

Today, my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit. My boyfriend thought it was a thread hanging from my bikini bottom. He publicly pulled out my tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463 290
You deserved it 77 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Cait 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

awuh dude that is freaking messed up, you couldnt tuck it? oh gosh, that mush have been gross and embarrasing. =] pahah, but got me outta my rut.


You deserved that for dating an idiot. Slash wrist IMO.

ew gross you shouldn't have had it hanging out anyway thats gross its really not that hard to keep it in a bathingsuit for real

kellster 2

Why did he have his hands anywhere near your crotch while in public in the first place????

MCart_fml 0

LMFAO!! I'm sorry that's horribly embarrassing but it's also the funniest FML I've seen today

jenz3p 0

hard to believe, he would have to pull pretty hard on it, plus you would definitely be able to tell the difference between a tampon string & a bikini string.

iloveyouu_ 1

lmao i feel bad for your boyfriend., and thats totally hilarious.

xMooMoox 0

Okay guys we don't know the exact situation, but I doubt she had it hanging out. I mean she was probably at the beach or pool and was swimming, walking, moving or whatever. She could have played volleyball for all we know. No sane woman would leave her tampon string hanging out in public! Also we have no idea if her tampon was new or needed a change, but we can assume it probably hurt (even if it was just a tiny bit) because she was not relaxed and ready for it. Also because the way you pull a thread off is not gentle and he could have tried to pull it fast because it was in her crotch area. We also have no idea what she was doing (standing, sitting, walking etc) so he could have pulled it at a weird angle. I'm a woman and a tampon user myself and I think I can speak for all women in saying having a tampon brutally yanked out of me like its a thread would be no fun even if it was fairly used. This was not a fun experience for either of them.

5ive 0

you let him reach down there?! YOU *****! lol hahaha :)

So he tried to pull off your bikini bottom; attempting to publicly humiliate you. But actually got your tampon? Either way he intended to publicly humiliate you; you know his intentions were shit. Rage at him Let him know how you feel about that shit; what a jackass. FYL OP. Good luck dealing with him.