By still together - 28/08/2013 17:47 - United States - Keansburg

Today, my sister announced that she and her boyfriend are getting married. Her boyfriend is my husband. We're not even legally divorced yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 089
You deserved it 4 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments


TheyCallMeDamien 17

I am finding it incredibly hard to understand how your sister could do this to you?! the sad thing is its very common for family to stab you in the back :( i wish you a life that is full and happy because clearly you have been hurt by the people closest to you. No body should have to deal with that kind of pain. Get out there and experience the world, enjoy your new found freedom and meet someone who will treat you like a queen, you deserve it! xx

Yeah, like they say: with friends (and family) like that, you don't need enemies.

Good thing for you, bigamy is illegal in New Jersey. Your husband would face jail time if he is still legally married to you, if he marries her.

If the wedding really goes through. I hope you crash it so hard. Your sister is a ******* bitch ass **** askfslf;sk;ljf UGH! This makes me so mad. She's your BLOOD. How can she do this to you.

How about her slutty-ass husband? It's been my understanding that siblings are a mixed bag, and you shouldn't expect family to treat you nicely just because you're related. But her husband's the one who presumably took a vow to love and honor OP. I hold him just as responsible.

Yes, the husband is just as responsible. But it's her sister. Blood related too. That's what makes me more upset. But I guess they two of them don't have a good bond like sisters should have.

I'd be more pissed at the soon-to-be-ex. Yes, both parties are total wastes of space. But I can't remember the exact saying now, I just remember that it boils down to, your blood relatives are the people you're stuck with, but your friends (and SO's) are the people you make your family. This may be my only child status talking, but I personally expect more loyalty from my friends and partners than I do from my family. The boy/friends chose to be with me!

laurieblue 1

That's gonna make for some awkward holidays....

Wtf? What a C of a sister. I'm sorry you have two idiot assholes if hour family tree, OP.

what a fukn *****! your' soon to be' ex husband is a douche bag and your sister is a mole for doing that.