By still together - 28/08/2013 17:47 - United States - Keansburg

Today, my sister announced that she and her boyfriend are getting married. Her boyfriend is my husband. We're not even legally divorced yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 088
You deserved it 4 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, just kick this useless ass n since your sister love an old dirty shoes just give it to her. Don't even need to talk to your sister. Such a betrayer. Btw, make a report on both of them having to commit adultery n also claim more money from your husband during divorce.

What a bunch of scum bags. Your ex for hitting so close to home, and sister for stabbing you in the back.

marinewife01 16

Damn. You'll never be rid of his sorry ass. And your trifling sister. Family must mean nothing to her. That's ok. Karma will get them.

yowhatitis 7

Family gatherings are going to be quite awkward for awhile I'd think. That's really an unfortunate situation and both your sister and ex-husband should walk away from the relationship and see it for the damaging mistake its likely to become. I wonder if when they split will your sister expect sympathy and support from you?

Your sister is a hooker and your ex husband is a douche nozzle they're perfect for each other

The same thing they did to you they will do to eachother... Just wait! But in the mean time whoop some a**!!