By still together - 28/08/2013 17:47 - United States - Keansburg

Today, my sister announced that she and her boyfriend are getting married. Her boyfriend is my husband. We're not even legally divorced yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 088
You deserved it 4 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments


AtomicDiamond87 15

OP I hope you sue the bastard or take everything in the divorce. You don't deserve that.

kansas_girl03 13

This happened to my now fiance. When he was married to his wife she cheated on him with his brother. She has 2 kids with my fiance and 1 with the brother so tbe kids are half bro/sis and full cousin. Its gross!!

BriannaMGK 15

Is it bad that I want to tell you to knock the shit out of her?! She's a terrible sister.

So wait, this stuff happens outside of Maury, too?!

What a terrible sister. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this and that your sister is so horrible. I send to you all my good wishes.

Then they can't legally get married. I'd refuse to sign the papers now OP

@135 Her consent to get divorced is not necessary. If she refuses to sign the papers the husband can still get a divorce. It will just be a contested divorce in Superior Court. Besides, her husband is clearly cheating if he is already that far into a relationship with the OP's sister. Why would the OP want to stay married to him?

Then they can't get legally married as well, right? Is polygamy legal? Different country here.

owlishes 24

whoa your shrubs is a bi*ch, really sorry to hear this.

Don't divorce him. Just get separated. And if he is able to get one take him for all he is worth, get alimony that way he and your sister start off dirt poor with only her savings.

@138 You know alimony isn't automatically awarded. There are several factors that are considered to determine if alimony is necessary. Alimony is not just for wives either. Depending on the incomes of the two, the husband could very well get it if it is determined to be necessary. By telling the OP to get alimony from her husband, you are unwittingly implying that she is dependent on his income, and that is an outmoded way of thinking.