By crazyattracts - 31/07/2016 05:53 - United States - Simi Valley

Today, my new girlfriend canceled my badly needed haircut appointment. She feels that having my female hairstylist wash and cut my hair involves "too much touching" and "counts as cheating." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 789
You deserved it 1 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, but you should have a conversation with her about it, or even dump her. That much jealously isn't very healthy.


What is up with these girls? Lucid dreams, now haircuts. I am curious to know the age of these overly protected and concerned girlfriends.

Run man.. Don't walk..Run Away from that!!

thunderniron 22

Sounds like it's time for a new, new girlfriend to me.

zebra3_fml 7

people on here are too polarizing. yes, you're free to leave her. that said, she is free to be uncomfortable with it but it is certainly not cheating.

She may be free to be uncomfortable with it, she is not free to cancel his appointment and make unfounded accusations though. At least not without negative consequences.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Run! If this is how the relationship starts you need to run away! It will get worse.

Run, don't walk, as far away as possible.

No conversation, she just takes control of your life away from you over a HAIR CUT. Sir, I ask that YOU ask yourself if this at all sounds like a woman who is in the right mental state to be in a healthy, loving, trusting, give and take relationship or if her insecurity and controlling nature is only likely to get worse from here. I personally think you need to break this off IMMEDIATELY before it gets any more out of control. This kind of insecurity takes years in therapy to fix and it'll only be harder and take longer for her to heal if she's in a relationship that so constantly triggers her insecurity. If she doesn't want therapy? All the more reason for you to leave. Either way, nothing's getting better while you're together. Too severe

:- hmmm....seagulls fly....but you have a valid point