By crazyattracts - 31/07/2016 05:53 - United States - Simi Valley

Today, my new girlfriend canceled my badly needed haircut appointment. She feels that having my female hairstylist wash and cut my hair involves "too much touching" and "counts as cheating." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 789
You deserved it 1 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, but you should have a conversation with her about it, or even dump her. That much jealously isn't very healthy.


Urpoppy 21

I'd dump her immediately. What a stressful way to live.

Mixed_steel 23

Betcha $100 she has at least one male doctor... and how is it not "cheating" in her mind if it's a guy stylist? Seriously though, and this is coming from a chick, RUN. Give her a chance, and that crazy bitch will end you. Find someone that believes in trust! ^^

blackrose1996 11

Bye bye now ex girlfriend in my opinion

Aiden89 23

As someone who has been a similar situation, think of yourself and find a way to talk about your concerns. If she won't listen the move on.

BuckNekkid 22

Actually there are three warning signs. 1) She is paranoid about other women. 2) She doesn't trust you. 3) She cancelled your appt without your permission.

AirBusDriver 23

Possibly the most insightful and useful comment ever posted on FML. Two thumbs up!

B3K4 4

You need to break up with her. Your relationship is going toxic if it's not already.

polsen4273 8

A man shouldnt need a stylist to wash his hair.

wait...are YOU the new girlfriend #49??

It's more accurate to cut wet hair. Besides, who wants to put their hands on dirty hair to cut it? Dumbass.

49, I have no idea who you are, but I already don't like you.