By ughh - 22/11/2011 13:22 - United States

Today, my mom read my diary. Then she frantically booked me an appointment with a psychiatrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 107
You deserved it 5 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beachbabe830 0

Do we even want to know what was in there...?

You've tought us about keys, now will you tell us how magnets work?


I know how you felt kee. I don't cut, but I do purge. I may not have control over anything else, but u can control what I do to my body.

theonlysweetpea 10

Oh please! Cut the bull! If your parents went through your private stuff as a child, you would have flown the damn coop! Privacy is a right for everyone! If you want to get moral look in the bible where it talk about the relationships between parents

And that's why I don't have a diary, I just have it all inside my head.

theonlysweetpea 10

By the way: OP said nothing about cutting. As a cutter myself, I would never put that on paper. That's too private.

It's too private to put on paper, but not to write for the entire world to read on internet..? That's just stupid.

I would say stuff online before I would tell my closest friend.... Online you can be anonymous... Or at least feel like you're posting anonymously. :/

IvantheGrinch 5

Ya well maybe she should have because she could be plotting something evil. Better be safe then sorry.

FYLDeep 25

I can see how people end up addicted to various destructive tendencies, but I still don't understand how someone starts. I have never once thought that I should slice up my arm when I was depressed. How does an idea like that get planted in your head in the first place? It just doesn't make sense to me. And if you feel like I'm unfairly targeting you, don't, because I still don't understand what leads people to pick up smoking.

tehrealone 6
olivia_r 0

A lot of people start smoking when they are drunk, they will have a cigarette here and there and then it's starts to become a problem. A lot of people I've talked to that's how they started. Or their boyfriend/girlfriend smoked so they decided to try it, same thing with friends.

Boo hoo your mom loves you and worries.

Mr25_fml 14