By ughh - 22/11/2011 13:22 - United States

Today, my mom read my diary. Then she frantically booked me an appointment with a psychiatrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 107
You deserved it 5 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beachbabe830 0

Do we even want to know what was in there...?

You've tought us about keys, now will you tell us how magnets work?


Oh and PS -- the entry says nothing about cutting. Who knows, maybe the mom had a legit reason to schedule that appointment. I know teenagers (sorry to assume, but hey) hate it when their parents intervene in their lives but most of the time they know a teeny tiny more about things like this, or at least have a broader perspective. Plus, SHE LOVES YOU. S(he should be glad that the option of going to a shrink is even available to them.

This is like that time my mother somehow managed to answer my phone and have a very interesting conversation with my girlfriend.

Dear diary, today you were brutally violated by mom, but don't worry my precious, we'll get back at her soon!

parents should not be allowed to read their kid's diary/journal unless they suspect they may be in some kind of serious trouble, even then they should talk about it with their child instead of being assholes

77, Being severely abused as a child, I learned to convert pain into a sort of pleasure. (or at least I convinced myself I could do that. It's all just a mind game.) When I got older and the abuse stopped, I missed that feeling. I felt like the pain was necessary for my well being. When I don't self-injure, I don't feel quite myself; though when I do I am a very upbeat person. Judge me if you like, but we are all a little bit messed up if you look deep enough.

Don't know but I've felt major depression but never resort to cutting myself, though I do keep isolating from everyone including family.

Epikouros 31

Let's hope you'll be sent to a Freudian psychoanalyst who'll blame your mother for everything...

douchydouchebag 5

Its funny cause the ones complaining about it are the ones who have no kids and are probably under the age of 15 and has parents who don't care about them. You all say she has no right to do that. I guarantee you that once you have kids and they start to grow up, You're gonna do the same exact thing as what just happened here and go through your kids stuff.

This is why you keep a fake diary around.