By somewhatlucky - 27/12/2011 09:42 - United States

Today, my mom convinced me that she and my dad were getting divorced. I have anxiety problems, so I had a panic attack. She then laughed, and said, "Just kidding, I wanted to see your reaction. It's the best so far." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 061
You deserved it 3 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cookie_3008 4

Ha!! Tell her you are expecting a child, and enjoy the show.

You should have told her "Good that you are joking mum. I wouldn't have the heart to tell you I would choose to stay with dad!"


EmperorHilo 11

I'd go get help for the anxiety issues.

you are a guy or a girl ,just tell your mom that you r pregnant and you r getting married with some guy ,hoops ,hope you r not a guy .

What a witch! Your mother should know that anxiety is no joke. Anxiety problems are definitely tough. You should consider seeking help from a therapist, OP. I know it sounds awkward, but talking it out can help. Cognitive behavioral therapy has helped me so much. If you don't do anything about it, it could get worse.

Timja83 0

Maybe you need to do what is needed to control this problem so you can take jokes. Laughing at the world is a great thing..

#65 Some things are appropriate to laugh at. I agree that OP needs help, but I find it inappropriate to laugh at the fact that someone has a disorder of any kind.

stupidisntcute 0

That's hilarious!!! Moms who joke around are awesome!!!

well that's rude of her !! I would find something to tell her, and then laugh about it !!

Just_A_Panda 9

Wait a minute. Does your mom know about your anxiety problems? If she did then thats just wrong. If you told her you were having a baby, or had cancer, or had STD's and you were joking wouldn't she have an anxiety attack herself? Smh.

KiddNYC1O 20