By ohmy. - 27/12/2010 17:52 - United States

Today, my husband yawned in the middle of our wedding vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 473
You deserved it 7 154

Same thing different taste

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lidemocr 0

it's a reflex. although I have learned the art of yawning through my nose for situations like this

sallen0046 4

Yawning is a nervous reaction, as well as an indicator of being tired. Weddings are both tiring and nerve wracking, so it's perfectly natural that someone would have such a response. Don't take it as a personal attack upon your marriage.


.... And...? -_- Maybe he just actually needed to yawn.

Advice of soon-to-be-divorced to both of you: run!

Yawn are contagiou! But hopefully your wedding was amazing and beautiful so no one was yawing. Maybe your husband had too much fun at his bachelor party!

Someone stayed up late last night...

It's a reflex, doesn't mean he's bored.