By Hunterxx - 07/08/2010 05:21 - United States

Today, my husband thought it'd be funny to trigger the alarm in the house while I was sleeping. Shocked, I ran outside naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 754
You deserved it 7 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hoppityhophop 0

stfu atticuz anyone who hasn't slept naked is missing out on something amazing.


ThugNastys 0

i always thought sleeping nakie would be kinda weird.

CiaranPM 0

it's WONDERFUL. (not to sound creepy...)

cesarloza 0

make hi m sleep on the couch op, no sex for him

lmfao. well you shouldn't run outside, burglar alarm, their in the house? so your gonna run around naked, risk of rape, kidnap, etc. hide! fire alarm, he coulda easily put it out. he didn't yell"fire". so get some clothes on and figure out what the hell is going on. and why were their guys outside your house. your corner. i bet you werent trying to hide anything if hes that jealous. anyone agree?

You what? The OP was woken up in the middle of the night to the fire alarm, the only thing that went through her mind was 'oh my god, fire!' and to therefore get out of the house as fast as she could. If decency went through her mind it was probably something along the lines of; grab a dressing gown on the way and pull it on when she had the chance... This is clearly the husbands fault, if he's going to play a prank like that (which is just stupid, we all knew what happened to the boy who cried wolf) he shouldn't then try to blame anything on the person he pulled it on. If he's that jealous he should have thought the possible outcomes through.

endawmyke 0

what if there was a real fire and op dies cuz she didn't believe him

22 it didn't say fire alarm, it could have been a burglar alarm. And eitherway they could have easily grabbed a sheet or robe

and 21 is right, how could you not think to grab something and risk rape..

tigrita 0

Putting on a dressing gown or a sheet doesn't suddenly give you a magical rape-prevention force field, you know. Do you think people are going to be jumping out of the bushes going "Naked woman! Attaaaaaaack!!! No, no wait. Dressing gown. Damn." If there's really a potential rapist in the area (which is rather paranoid, do you think about "risking rape" every time you go outside alone?), a simple piece of cloth isn't going to stop them.

Shadowpunk, I read this FML when it had a lot more information, there included a bit about the husband not speaking to her because she showed her body to other men. It is possible that it did originally say fire alarm, if it didn't then I apologise for assuming it was a fire alarm. I also apologise if you read it before it was edited and saw it didn't say fire alarm. However, whichever the alarm the first thought going through her head would be to get out of the house. We also do not know if she did grab a sheet or robe with the intention of putting it on when she knew she was out of danger or no longer panicking. We don't know how long she exposed herself for. Also, I agree with tigrita.

hahhahahaha ya stop being a **** and showing other men ur body

omg lol im going to do this when i get married

Lubpynk 0

wow he is a douche. if it was a fire alarm and your half asleep you just get out of there probley wasn't thinking about getting dress. Get him back by not sleeping naked anymore :)

I have to agree with #12. Your husband is an ass.

italianboy_fml 0

# 30 alli need to say is wow nice pic

wow he has to get over him self -_- it's not like you ran out naked for fun -__-

if he didn't think that would happen, then divorce his ass for being stupid

GoodLookingGeese 10

I fully understand you, don't feel bad. You did the right thing. As for him I think he's got issues - it't absolutely his fault.