By Anonymous - 10/06/2013 01:52 - United States

Today, my husband farted, grabbed a fan and blew the smell right at me. Disgusted, I reminded him that I’m a lady, not a dude. He burst out laughing and sang, "Dude looks like a lady." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 689
You deserved it 7 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be able to handle someones farts and take it as a joke when you are married with them. Return the favor :)

SirTalkaton 22

It's not true love until you can fart in front of them. Sounds like you guys are golden


thatbaybay 8

Boys will be boys but it sounds like you got one with a good sense of humor

#31- Good because my brain just farted.

avapaige1234 19

Some men are just plain disgusting

drjohnnyboy 15

Aerosmith created that fantastic song well. All though, your husbands "joke" kind of failed in a way. "Dude looks like a lady" - Sure, you told him that you were not a dude and reminded him that you were a lady after he passed his gas on you but I don't entirely see how you "look like a lady" when you already are a lady. You are not a male individual that looks like a female despite the fact he made his come back that way out of a reminder that you are not a dude. It is a bit of a backfire on him. This makes you a super lady since being a lady in the first place would double up on "looks like a lady". I feel no pity towards your husband with the ultimate wrath that this super lady will dish back out to him in sweet revenge some day (harmless revenge I hope).

Jeez, and people call ME anti-joke chicken for overanalyzing jokes/humorous situations. This takes the cake.

That is hilarious, I would high five your husband

skyeyez9 24

The positive side is you have every right to place your bare butthole an inch from his nose while he is sleeping and fart as revenge.

kikks_xx 10

WOW you need to grow up. Being a "lady" doesn't stop you from farting does it? so stop moaning about smelling someone else's fart.

Okay, that was not very polite. But he has a great musical taste. Aerosmith rocks, and I like this song.