By Anonymous - 19/08/2015 15:00 - South Africa

Today, my husband and I told my parents that I finally managed to conceive. My mom burst into tears of joy and said how great it was that she's finally going to be a "real" grandma, all within earshot of our adopted and now-devastated daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 909
You deserved it 2 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your daughter should cheer up! You can't choose your mother but she was chosen by you :)

isabelf 17

Some people can't keep their mouths shut.


My heart hurts for your daughter. That ignorant statement is something she may remember forever. I would be so, so pissed off at your mom if I were you. Congrats on the baby!

jlaw2000 6

I would have told the insensitive **** she now has no grandkids and never talked to her again.

SexxiKitty 20

I was adopted by my parents as a baby and I can tell you from experience how painful it is for family members to say things like that. My uncle (my mom's brother) refused to come to my wedding because "It's not like she's real family." I was really hurt by it. My parents never hid the fact that I was adopted and loved me wholeheartedly, so it was a really big shock that a family member could say that so nonchalantly. :(

everton99 16

I wonder if racism seriously played a part in this. They're in South Africa so the child they adopted may be black, and the grandma came from the time of apartheid so she may be partial towards white people. Either way I still can't see how you wouldn't count an adopted grandchild as your own. You should love them all the same. Color of the skin, blood, or adopted all children just wanna be loved.

Cherry83_fml 3

as some one who is adopted, her comment was just wrong. I'm sorry hun. hugs to your daughter!

That's awful. My dad has always treated my adopted little sister like she's not a real part of the family when in reality she's more my sister than any of my older siblings who I barely know.

wow. really? I'm sorry to hear that. your dad is an ass

Why would you even think to say something like that? I'm absolutely disgusted.

when my cousin was born my grandma was "so happy to finally be a grandma". my mom had 4 kids and my aunt had one already. I understand how your daughter feels

I want to punch your mother square in her nose

cptncuttlefish 24

I would have banned that piece of shit from my home tbh, no family member should make children feel bad for things they have no control over.