By Anonymous - 19/08/2015 15:00 - South Africa

Today, my husband and I told my parents that I finally managed to conceive. My mom burst into tears of joy and said how great it was that she's finally going to be a "real" grandma, all within earshot of our adopted and now-devastated daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 909
You deserved it 2 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your daughter should cheer up! You can't choose your mother but she was chosen by you :)

isabelf 17

Some people can't keep their mouths shut.


Why would you let your mother think that way about your family? Your daughter is your daughter, no matter how she joined the family.

kayteakay 26

She doesn't "let" her mother think anything.

If she didn't say anything to her mother for saying such a thing then, yes, she does/did.

Have you perfected some sort of mind control device? Otherwise I'm confused how you expect OP to control her mother's thoughts..

acerredrum 23

Why do you assume something with a character limit is telling the entire story? OP most likely said something after this.

How awful. I really hope something was done to put your mom in her place.

ourtneyc 14

how old is your adopted daughter?

I don't think it matters, that'd hurt at any age. ):

FalloutScrolls 25

What an absolutely despicable thing to say. I don't think there's a sufficient word in the english language to describe how angry and disgusted I would be if I was in your situation, OP. Congratulations on your new baby to be, and I'm sure your adopted daughter will be an awesome big sister.

jlaw2000 6

****. The word you are looking for is ****.

Does she not consider your current daughter a grandchild? What is she to her then...a little girl that hangs around?