By wife - 22/02/2015 03:47 - United States - Oceanside

Today, my husband lost his keys again. It's a daily struggle to find them. This time they were in an ice cube, literally. He said he must have accidentally put them in there when making ice. He's going to be the father of my future children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 360
You deserved it 8 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you will know the first place to look should the kids go missing.


Airhead move, sure, but is it really significant enough to consider him a bad choice for a father for your kids? Just because he misplaces his keys doesn't mean he's stupid, irresponsible, uncaring or won't be able to be a good dad. Everyone has their moments, even if they happen over and over.

you can now say you have a special, one of a kind soulmate :) it's really cute tbh

Not to scare you but sounds the a sign of early onset Alzheimer's. Not joking here.

Sounds like you're disappointed in yourself to keep having sex with someone you think is stupid

That's nothing. It could be worse but misplacing his keys doesn't mean he's not going to be a good dad.

JayVicious 20

might be a bad choice to drive to the hospital when she goes in labor.

bsums203 13

He needs to see a doctor. That level of forgetfulness is very concerning and not normal.

key finder for your situation...

Well, at least your kids will be cryogenically frozen and won't age

Wow that future is on solid ground. Such caring and understanding on exhibit.