By wife - 22/02/2015 03:47 - United States - Oceanside

Today, my husband lost his keys again. It's a daily struggle to find them. This time they were in an ice cube, literally. He said he must have accidentally put them in there when making ice. He's going to be the father of my future children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 360
You deserved it 8 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you will know the first place to look should the kids go missing.


gobiteme2 34

Keys and glasses are the most misplaced items. OP you should be happy that no one keeps looking after they find the item. I’m sure the future children will have fun with dad.

Sorry to be perhaps over cautious but maybe he should see a doctor?

150493x 29

He could have possibly absent mindedly put them in the freezer with the tray. I know I've lost countless things and found them in odd places. Maybe it's time to assign a place to keep everyone's keys.

how can you fit multiple keys in an ice cube?

It's lanyard time! They even have these super fancy near indestructible retractable ones, usually worn by prison guards and the like.

Has anyone mentioned Early Onset Dementia? I'd be worried if it was my spouse. Please. Have them checked.

August smart lock. I got one it's great your phone unlocks the door. Trust me it's worth googling

beccawins 7

Is he on any prescription medication? I once took an anxiety medication that had me forgetting and losing so many things it was scary. Just something to think about...