By wife - 22/02/2015 03:47 - United States - Oceanside

Today, my husband lost his keys again. It's a daily struggle to find them. This time they were in an ice cube, literally. He said he must have accidentally put them in there when making ice. He's going to be the father of my future children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 360
You deserved it 8 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you will know the first place to look should the kids go missing.


bunnylady08 13

I wouldn't recommend procreation...

Ehm, I hate to be the negative one here, but that could be a sign of a mental condition or something much, much worse...

First signs of Alzheimer's bs. U don't have to be old to get it.

ImNotFunny11 3

Maybe last time he left them in the microwave, and his subconscious just wanted to balance things out.

maybe he has autism, you should really get him checked out

He's probably just a guy actually :/. Still though, you're screwed bro.. Goodluck x

I've left my phone in the fridge before...