By ouch - 09/12/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how concerned she was about her weight. I told her not to worry, because it gives more cushion for the pushin' anyway. She picked up a lamp and threw it right at my dingleberries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 057
You deserved it 76 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Telionis 0

I thought dingleberries were the result of poor wiping post bowl movement?


I know that many people may be overweight, But you didnt have to put it in such a horrible and inconsiderate way!

oh unclench... yes he's an ass, but that's about it

If you don't tell them they wont do anything about it. **** them if they cant get some exercise once in a while. If its actually a medical disorder then that sucks and I hope they get help but for the other 95%, get off your lazy ass and do something.

stumbeline777 2

That is so insensitive, i would have thrown a lamp at you too.

quarty165 0

I'm gonna go against my sex here, but I don't think you deserved it. You were trying to tell her that you love her anyway, however absurdly you may have done it. I'd break up with her. Even if you had deserved it, throwing stuff is not cool.

i agree with you, he was saying that he loves her no matter her size. If my Bf said that I would probably pretend that I was offended and then start laughing.

It all depends on how upset she was in the first place. Because if she was really upset any attempt at humor would seem insensitive no matter the subject, but if she was just saying it in passing humor would be a good thing. It is all in the context to how she was feeling and to what extent

AGGoddess 2

So her being upset gives her the right to throw stuff at him and be violent? You're an idiot.

You deserved this, though tbh any guy who says 'dingleberries' needs to have a lamp thrown at him.

NorthernBelle04 0

Just an FYI.... 'dingleberries' are pieces or balls of poop that are stuck to your butt hairs.

ohhhh bad choice of words. YDI for being stupid

Dingleberries. That's new...ish. Unfortunately, it's also pretty lame so YDI Besides, what kind of man tells his girl that? Even if you have to lie, tell her she looks good. Geez, dude.

You should have told her she looks great the way she is. LOL. Thats a nice phrase, but not when a woman is worried about her looks.

you think that's a nice phrase? it's sooo douchey!

Erindub 0

You could've been more sensitive but she also could've been less sensitive.