By FavreFan99 - 01/01/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me it was her fantasy to orgasm at midnight on New Years. We got started at 11:53. I didn't last until midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 524
You deserved it 23 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments


loopyballs5 0

umm, wack off b 4 you have sex next time, PACE URSELF, ******* go like 3-5 minuites even after u cum, you cant just quit like that when its once a dam year ugghhghghghg

olisykes_ 0

ydi for being terrible at sex...

theloofy 0

No worries man. You've got all of this year to increase your time. Next time, keep your stop watch handy. Think about your girlfriends face because thinking about who's going to the superbowl this year is far too exciting.

if your afraid your gonna ******, you could always slow down or stop for a minute. if you want an excuse so your girlfriend doesnt think your a moron, you could use switiching positions as an excuse. but then again if you stopped she might not ****** so sorry, not much help at all here XD

if your bare backing just keep it on and don't stop. once you nut flex your dick and hold it there, keep ficking and you will stay hard. so who cares when you cum! just keep *******!

9 you are retarted how about we stop bieng blaq wanna be and use full words now

danielleeycakes 3

what a loser. my boyfriend made me ****** when the ball dropped. ;3

LeexaaFreeszh 0

What kind of fantasy is that ?! Does she think that by doing it at that time will bring her good luck ? fyl v.v