By FavreFan99 - 01/01/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me it was her fantasy to orgasm at midnight on New Years. We got started at 11:53. I didn't last until midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 524
You deserved it 23 607

Same thing different taste

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Well look at it this way you think shes really attractive and can't help yourself and thats why you don't last long

You should really work on that. Practice by while having sex if you feel like you are about to cum, pull out to stop yourself from cumming and to keep her going play with her then when you're calmed down go back at it and just keep doing that till it is actually time for you to cum.

Well, she should consider it a compliment! Quick, try again! There's still time!