By Anonymous - 19/06/2011 05:01 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me by putting a Post-it note on my locker that said, "Consider yourself dumped." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 815
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rico_Mal1116 0

Wow, that was low. Write her a post-it note saying "consider your self unworthy."

at least the sticky note will stick by you


10-you watched Lizzie McGuire tooo???!!!! ;D

Put a post-it on her locker saying, "I consider myself better off without you. Thanks for setting me free!" Because you ARE better off without someone who treats anyone else that way.

softballdance88 0

are you sure it was her handwriting? it could have been fake.

softballdance88 0

wait- you're still in school? and today's Sunday....

brad036 0

sometimes it takes a few days for these things to get posted.

danz123 7

Stick a picture of her by the locker, and write underneath on a note that says: 'Shag, marry or kill? By the way, shag is off the menu with this bitch.'

leave one on her locker that says "consider yourself infected " hahahahaha

haha're still in school