By unknown - 31/01/2010 06:54 - France

Today, my girlfriend and I were in my basement. I play drums and guitar very well. My girlfriend bet me $50 that she could play better than me. I made the bet, but what I didn't know was that she had been taking both drum and guitar lessons since she was 5. I just lost $50. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 577
You deserved it 46 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well hey, you could start a band with her or something. a chick in a rock/ metal band = insta-fame. then you could get your 50 bucks back and more with all the money you'd make

she's your girlfriend and you didn't know that?


that's actually really funny like I don't know if this is really a fml because u have a gf with the same interest lol

ydi for wanting to take$50 from your own girlfriend

Bob31_fml 4

I've found that when someone says they do something "very well," it usually means they are the most awful pile of putrid crap there is. YDI for trying to show up a real musician.

your a dumbass this shit happens to ppl in everyday life grow up you baby

Holy shit man, awesome GF. Start a band with her!

I bet you play power chords and think Through the Fire and Flames is the most technical song ever. Not sure about your girlfriend.

I wish my girlfriend played guitar, would be cool to jam. At least I know she can't play my drums XD

FeedtheBrood 0

your gf is AWSOME...those 2 things out weigh everything else in life.

Seriously, even though you lost the best, you win by discovering how talented your girlfriend is!