By unknown - 31/01/2010 06:54 - France

Today, my girlfriend and I were in my basement. I play drums and guitar very well. My girlfriend bet me $50 that she could play better than me. I made the bet, but what I didn't know was that she had been taking both drum and guitar lessons since she was 5. I just lost $50. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 577
You deserved it 46 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well hey, you could start a band with her or something. a chick in a rock/ metal band = insta-fame. then you could get your 50 bucks back and more with all the money you'd make

she's your girlfriend and you didn't know that?


is this really a FML I mean dude it's only $50

Randen_fml 0

You suck get over it and make her buy you a awesome sammich.

sarahgrace4 0

I love it when people loose money to stupidity

maybe u should no a little more bout the girl your with

Tell her to give me a call if you guys ever split no haha just kidding just kidding lol :P

abjohnson117 0

Both you guys amazing at drums and guitar. That's something you both have in common. Hows this bad?

Splayd 10

My question: What criteria was used to establish the "better" player? If you play "very well," I am confused as to how you could decide that she is better.

Malicteal 21

Sounds like you have an awesome girlfriend

aduro1991 4

if she was ur gf n u played instruments that wouldve came up in a convo

Haha you deserved it for not knowing that about your girlfriend