By AtLeastHaveADecientExcuse - 28/08/2013 13:25

Today, my first date in years cancelled on me because she has to "wash the horse's hair." The date was arranged for 9:30pm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 306
You deserved it 3 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_9th_Doctor 18

did you arrange a date with Sarah Jessica Parker?


Maybe you misunderstood because horses are a big deal. Maybe it got injured and she had to wash it or a competition was coming up and a lot of horse trainers can be very hard on their students. I know a girl that shows in jumping one pasture over from where our ranch is and she has to be basically show ready all the time. If she slacks off or gets busy during the day she has to make up for it at night. As for being injured, horses don't give two fricks about your time. If they colic or get their forelock sliced off its usually at the most inconvenient time for you. Just saying that maybe it came off differently to you.

Maybe she thought you guys were going to hook up afterwards, 9:30 is pretty late to be eating dinner, and most people hook up at (if you were going to one). Don't worry it takes a long time to get adjusted too the dating game :)

nikcruise3271 6

I've actually had to wash my horse at 9:30pm. She may have been telling the truth.

I'm pretty sure that could have waited til morning

nitrog100 21

My friend use to care for her horse late at night, especially in the summer to avoid the heat. So it could be true

Mister_Triangle 21

It's such an awful excuse that I can't help but believe it. Who the hell would want to claim to be washing horse hair at 9:30pm unless they actually had to? Of course, that could also make it the perfect fake excuse.

Are you sure "washing the horse's hair" isn't a euphemism for something?

I actually as an equestrian fully understand this. Usually we like to bathe our horses late at night the night before a show so the horses don't have too much of an opportunity to get too dirty... However she shouldn't have canceled for that reason.. That's bulshit

If the excuse was legitimate wouldn't it be ridiculously simple to reschedule? Like, for example, any day/time she didn't have to wash the horse's hair?