By francesa_loca - 14/10/2011 16:09 - Canada

Today, my father started drinking a little early. At some point, he got hungry and decided to boil eggs. He started a dozen, drank some more, and passed out on the couch. When I came home, all the water had boiled off and the eggs had exploded all over the kitchen. I'm still cleaning up the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 954
You deserved it 2 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was it an explosion? BRING ON THE THUMBS DOWN.

Why would you get thumbed down? That was quite an eggcelent pun.


My dad would to the same exact thing except he would leave a pizza in the oven over night...

j_ortiz27 7

Fy dads life. The man didn't get to eat eggs.

He burned water! A new chemical genius!

Sargasm 4

Does he also claim to be allergic to peanuts?

hrun200 0

You're actually really lucky. My neighbor left some eggs on the stove by accident when he was in a rush and his house burned down.

**** having children! Then, you can drink as much as you want, pass out on the couch with a dozen eggs boiling on the stove, and die in peace (assuming your kitchen is ultimately set on fire, thus burning down your own house with your lousy alcoholic self inside). Or, alternately, wake up to the mess OP found and have to clean it all by yourself. =)

My son decided to pop popcorn in the microwave with a plastic food cover still in side. He thought it was to put food on & not for covering food from splattering! The house stunk like burnt plastic popcorn for a week!

CyonideCyns 0

At least he didn't take all of your possessions and furniture apart and put it all in the backyard. Then again, you didn't salt his coffe, did you? But seriously, I wouldn't clean that shit up by myself, I'd make him get up and help me.

HAH! my dad has also done this!!! gotta love waking up to the smoke alarm going off at 4 am!!!!!!

Atleast you were lucky that your house wasn't sat on fire...

*set on fire I wouldn't recommend sitting on fire, it burns a little