By SwedishBozo - 15/03/2009 01:30 - United States

Today, my family and I were at a restaurant. We're Swedish and love talking about people in our language because no one ever understands here. I decided to comment about how ugly the girl at the next table was. She turned around and goes "Dra åt helvete." That's Swedish for "Go to hell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 885
You deserved it 326 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's what you get for trying to be smart

I did that before when someone thought they were being clever talking mess about me in Spanish. It's a good way to knock someone down a peg.


funny. i'm pretty sure that means "**** you" not "go to hell"

You're wrong. "Dra åt helvete" means "Go To Hell." We also use the words "**** you". And the direct translation to that is "Knulla dig"

Yeah, cuz why would a swedish guy know what it is in Swedish? You are stupid, 'Dra åt Helvete' is directly translated to 'Go to hell'...

Why the hell would it matter to you what the girl looks like? You were too much of a coward to say it to her face. Or in English for that matter. Haven't you heard the saying "Talk shit, get hit" ? I bet you aren't a looker, either. YDI.

#25 and others who posted comments in similar lines: People! FML's are meant to be funny.They are meant to be enjoyed. Laugh at them!. Don't judge/preach based on those few sentences. Everyone does mistakes. Many talk dirty about others.If you guys never did, you had a different upbringing.

xolotl 0

wow. that's a pretty rude, pretentious practice of your family's.

I think you guys are being ridiculous saying that he's a prick and that he completely deserved it and that people like that are awful people. Face it, everyone says mean things about other people behind their backs, unless you would like to go with #20's "YES, everything I say about someone I am more than willing to express it where they can clearly hear me and respond." (No, I'm not buying that.) Because the OP happened to do it in their own language to family there rather than in the language of their country later on, you guys think that makes him an awful person. It makes no difference. It was unlucky that she understood, but that doesn't make the OP deserve it or any worse than anyone who talks about people behind their backs.

xxreikoxx 31

You've never been to or don't live anywhere near Massachusetts, do you..?

Herbal_fml 0

Come on dude you know better than that. I speak another language than the normal one but I know better than to talk about people plainly in front of them.

"We're Swedish and love talking about people in our language because no one ever understands here." Then you deserved this. I hope you avoid being so rude in future.

I always do this... there's nothing wrong with having your own opinions. And it's nicer to do it in a language no one else understands.

koolkat27 13

um...except that the woman understood it. moron.