By Krissy. - 31/03/2009 07:04 - United States

Today, my dad and I were at the grocery store buying toilet paper. As we walk out I see these two attractive guys that I know. My dad gets that I think they're cute, so he shouts "Hey babe, how's your stomach feeling now? Will this be enough for you?" They walk away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 759
You deserved it 4 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha! Your dad is awesome! If the guys have any sense of humour they will know your dad was taking the piss out of you. But then again it could be your dads way of keeping you away from boys. Either way Dad: 1 Daughter: 0


#18 theres always a buzzkill isnt there

When you get home, hide all the toilet paper from your dad!

sunsetxcrash 3

What is this, FailBlog? "OMG I'M FIRST, BUT I HAVE NO RELEVANT COMMENT LOLOL!!!!ONEONEoneone11" No. It's not. Thanks. With that said, I would've shot my father the evil eye and refused to speak to him for the rest of the day. Or come up with something wittier to turn it on him instead of myself. FYL

Seriously? He was just trying to have some fun with the situation. You obviously have no sense of humor if you would get so mad that you would ignore you're father for making a simple joke. Lighten up.

Ouch, pwnd! Oh well, better luck next time right?

SDC_fml 0

I would suggest revenge in this situation :]. Look for his personal calendar and screw with the dates involving your mother, if hes bad at remembering dates change ether your mothers birthday or there anniversery, or both :). Thats a sure way to get revenge.

redhead10 0

Be glad that your father jokes with you. My girlfriend's father (may he burn in hell) was the oposite thing until the day he died.

At first read, I thought he meant you were pregnant hahaha