By Krissy. - 31/03/2009 07:04 - United States

Today, my dad and I were at the grocery store buying toilet paper. As we walk out I see these two attractive guys that I know. My dad gets that I think they're cute, so he shouts "Hey babe, how's your stomach feeling now? Will this be enough for you?" They walk away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 759
You deserved it 4 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha ha! Your dad is awesome! If the guys have any sense of humour they will know your dad was taking the piss out of you. But then again it could be your dads way of keeping you away from boys. Either way Dad: 1 Daughter: 0


Number 8: What the hell is wrong with you? "he loves you enough to mess with you"? That makes me ill. I bet that when he was younger, if his friend had done that to him, he would've thrown a damn fit. Hell, I bet you would too. You should really consider the fact that some people have rotten parents who don't always say things in jest.

TryToBeKind 0

In other words, "Stay away from my daughter." Or something to that effect OT but sorta similar My sister's guy-friend Ken used to act like he was her boyfriend (change how he looked at her, put his arm around her etc.) when guys she wanted to flirt with were around. Later, he explained that it was because she had turned down his best friend and his cousin because she 'liked being single too much' and didn't want to change that but she hated hurting the good guy's feelings. So he acted like she was taken to prevent her from accidentally giving the wrong impression. I thought it was brilliant, and he was doing her a favor. A lot nicer than her female friend: Sister turned down Friend's brother (who would have treated her GREAT compared to other boyfriends, she coul dhave just skipped that dating around part by being with him) and friend reacted by telling everyone she had an STD. My sister wanted to be single, she got what she wanted. That was a cruel way to make sure it happened though. I liked her guy-friend's idea better.

ughh.. that's something my dad would do :( I'm so sorry...

get over it. its not like the guys were going to ask you out right then and there anyways...

They are probably just laughing because your dad is awesome.

npk1112 0're a moron. end of story.

finally a dad story! all the stories lately have been about moms doing funny things.

I completely agree with #48 and #49 chill out #43 it was obviously a joke... Be happy your dad has a sense of humor, it makes life a lot more enjoyable, and besides years from now you will probably be doing it to your own kids. My dad would have done the same exact things, all you can do is smile and say "thank god in a couple of years I wont have to deal with this! " My dad can't wait for me to have kids so he can teach them all of the "cool" ie annoying things he does! so live a little and enjoy it.