By Bella - 15/01/2013 18:57 - United States - Sanford

Today, my boyfriend yet again decided to act like Edward Cullen from Twilight, and got his friend to act like Jacob. Every time they're around, my boyfriend always looks stoned and constipated, and his friend is shirtless. I feel like I'm in a shitty romance movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 122
You deserved it 7 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awesomeelliot 11

Still a better love story than Twil....oh wait

theninja1800 11

Twilight is such a terrible movie. Truly. FYL OP for having to endure that in real life.


Well, twilight is already a shitty romance sooo..... spot on!

Hahaha! At least it's entertaining! :D

Kade20 4

Isn't that what all girls want? Hahaha!

Sounds like you're turning into Bella Swan.

That is hilarious, just join in on the action... See what happens!

I don't think she should do that, she would end by people treating and thinking of her like a ****, just as Bella

You should dump both the stoner child and his weird bi-curious friend, and get a boyfriend that doesn't treat you as a two-dimensional cardboard character.