By Anonymous - 14/01/2010 22:35 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend dumped me by writing "we're through fat slob" on my forehead whilst I was asleep in permanent marker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 723
You deserved it 5 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without him if he's that immature. 8|

CyclonePsycho 1

If he feels the need to call people fat slob, then that relationship was going nowhere anyway. Still, sorry your feelings got hurt.


lmao you deserve it for being Aussie hahaha! if she was a great person then her bf wouldn't be breaking up with her specially like that and if he called you fat and a slob then you need to check yourself before trying to get back out on the field, maybe ydi maybe you were just dating a really huge asshole and your life sucks either way get revenge! it feels good

TwilightFalcon 0

I hope he wrote it in mirror writing, that would've been awesome when you first saw yourself in the mirror in the morning.

gmarquis90 0

"What do you do with your Sharpie?"

@177 People from england aren't aussie, you dumb ****.

MarieT 0

obviously u were passed out from too much alcohol otherwise u would have woke up to the marker. hence the Fat slob part. u probably deserved it.