By Anonymous - 14/01/2010 22:35 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend dumped me by writing "we're through fat slob" on my forehead whilst I was asleep in permanent marker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 723
You deserved it 5 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without him if he's that immature. 8|

CyclonePsycho 1

If he feels the need to call people fat slob, then that relationship was going nowhere anyway. Still, sorry your feelings got hurt.


Davebrochill 0
djjohn11 0

You should write "proud owner of a tiny penis" on his car/head

vannahd 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That would be hiliarious. I like that but don't think keying cars is good. Hack his facebook account and post it as his name =D Cjammer ~ You don't look fat to me, that's a great picture. OP ~ For some other car revenge ideas - Use a diabetic needle to inject fish juice/oil through the seal of the windshield into the front dash vent. Place balls in the exhaust pipe then foam it shut and spray paint it to match the original look, he won't notice until it finally builds enough pressure to blow it out. To all the YDI for being fat ~ You're terribly ignorant. It's been stated before but perhaps you didn't understand. Most every woman out there has weight issues or thinks she's fat. My friend is 98lbs and she thinks she's fat too. Most men call women fat to hurt them because it's a serious weak spot for most women. It usually works. It doesn't actually mean anyone is fat. And you might find that the guys who say that crap are fat and ugly themselves and have absolutely no room to talk. PS OP ~ It is extremely cliche but you can def. do better. If he wrote that then he obviously didn't respect you in the first place as a partner or a person. You deserve to be with someone who loves you and wouldn't hurt you that way. Keep looking, you'll find that special someone one day.

You were sleeping in a permanent marker...? ._. But that's not even... O_O;

fat slob is a little too harsh to not be true, and maybe he was waiting for her to wake up from her food coma and couldn't wait anymore. and 83, he did better than ending it to her face, he ended it WITH her face, WIN!!!

beccaxoxo88 0

she is not anything close to chubby. if she's chubby then not sure what some other fatties here r then.

pshnoway 0

So? You lost your arse of a boyfriend, big deal. Lose some weight, get some confidence, clean yourself up, find a much better guy and then make him feel like it was him that lost you.